Prerequisites Required for participation in this E_Learning Program
- Minimum age: 16 years.
- Parent Consent is required when the Participant is a Minor.
Important to Know
The BLSD First Aid SNSI e-Learning course consists of 4 Lessons and covers all the information necessary for the Participant to learn the Basic Life Support and First Aid techniques.
Lesson 4 contains the Final Exam which will help you “memorize” the information received in the previous Lessons and learned from reading the training material.
Lessons are divided into topics, for each topic there is a minimum time before you can press the ” completed ” button and move on to the next topic .
In topics where a video is included, you must watch the entire video before you can press the “complete” button.
If you leave your computer or if you are inactive for a certain period of time a Pop Up window will ask you to confirm that you are still there.
In the right column you see the course progress , you can only browse the completed topics , highlighted with a checked orange circle.
When you exit the course , the system will remember where you left off and at the next login you just need to press the ” Resume ” button to continue.
To get the most out of this course we recommend that you:
- Download all the Training Material that you find in the ‘ Material ‘ TAB of Lesson 1 before proceeding with the topics;
- Read all the Concept Maps and the written texts in each topic and go over the training material;
- Complete all Quizzes;